Korean spicy fish stew

Feel like having some spicy fish soup. So check up the internet on Korean spicy fish soup. Came across website for maangchi.com and found one recipe. As I do not have all the ingredients in her list, I just make do with what I have at home, it turn out the soup is tasty as well.

I did not follow the exact ingredients in her recipe. Just use it as a guide. In the end I came out with my own ingredients based on our taste. The main ingredients I have for my soup is
Fish  - I used what I have at home. Happen I gave a piece of Sutchi and Saba
Korean Spring Onion (May look like leek)

The ingredients is important. However, I also ended up using my own version of ingredients as I do not want to buy so many kind of sauces and ended up not using it again.
It is always good to mix the sauce separately first, thereafter add to the soup based on what we want on the level of spiciness or saltiness. Afterall, we can adjust them by adding salt if too bland etc.

Spicy sauce ingredients
Korean hot pepper flacks - half cup (I used 2 teaspoon)
10 cloves of Garlic chopped (I used 5)
2 tablespoon fermented bean paste (I used Japanese Daishi bean paste or normal Jap bean paste)
1 tablespoon Korean hot pepper paste
1 tablespoon soya sauce
2 tablespoon fish sauce
1/3 teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoon mirin / soju (I used DOM wine)
I added 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to create a softer taste
Mix them in a bowl
(As I do not cook a lot, I used this paste for 2 cooking)

Dried Anchovies  -  I used our normal ikan billies instead of the Korean ones.
Pack them into a tea bag so that we do not need to scoop them one by one from the soup.

Peel the skin and cut up the raddish 

As usual, start cooking preparing by boiling the soup using my cheat method.
Add 2 bowls of water, throw in the ikan billies raddish. Let it boil for 20 mins.

Cut the fish into pieces. After soup was boiled for 20 mins, remove the sachet of ikan billies.
As the mixed spicy sauce ingredients can be spicy and salty (depending on individual), it is recommended to add 1 spoonful of the sauce into the soup at a time, thereafter do a taste test. We can stop adding the sauce once we find the taste is just right. The sauce can be kept in the freezer for another meal. We can also play along by adding more chilli flakes if we find that it is not spicy enough and so on.

Lastly, add in tofu and Korean onion. The soup is ready when it boil
Serve with Japanese rice is best.


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