Purple Sweet Potato Chiffon Cake


Purple Sweet Potato Chiffon Cake.
A recipe I chanced upon when I was checking for some new ideas for baking.
I am a sweet potato lover and this look good to try.
I came across this website - what to cook today.
If you are reading my blog here, you may check out her website and compare. In the end, the results are the same.

Basically, baking a chiffon cake is quite standard. Egg yok ingredients and egg white ingredients, mix them together in the end. In her recipe, I don't quite understand why she need sugar for both the egg yolk and egg white batter, and she did not use baking powder on plain flour. So I changed it and tweaked it to my method. I really do not want to waste my ingredients if I just blindly follow.

This is my tweaked recipe.

Egg yolk batter.
5 egg yolk.
80 grams mashed potatoes.
120ml coconut milk.
30ml cooking oil.
80 gram self raising flour.
20 gram corn flour.
1/4 teaspoon salt.

Egg white meringue/batter.
5 egg whites.
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar.
90 grams caster sugar.

Ingredients in cake.
80 grams cubed sweet potatoes. 

I used eggs at 60grams each including shell.
Baking  - I baked at 160 degrees celsius for 50minutes folowed by
180 degrees celsius for another 10 minutes.

Instead of cake flour, I used self raising flour since no baking powder is being used in her recipe.

I ignore her food colouring and the colour of the cake turns out well. It all depends on what sweet potatoes we used.

I used the 10 inches chiffon baking tin, I think I can try to bake again using the 8 eggs recipe.

Now lets start baking.

Step 1 - Prepare the sweet potatoes.
Steam the sweet potatoes.
Mashed 80 grams.
Cubed 80 grams.
Flour the cubed sweet potatoes to prevent it from sinking while baking.

Step 2 - Sift the dry ingredients.
80 grams plain flour.
20 grams corn flour.
1/4 teaspoon of salt.

Step 3 - Measure the wet ingredients.
120 gram coconut milk.
30 gram cooking oil.

Step 4 - Separate 5 eggs.
Placed the egg yolk with the wet ingredients.

Step 5 - Preparing the Meringue.
Get ready 90 grams of sugar before we beat up the egg white.
Placed 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar on egg white.
Start set to whisk at low speed.
While whisking a low speed, add the sugar spoon by spoon until finished.
Set to whisk at high speed until it form a stiff peak.

Step 6 - Prepare the egg yolk batter.
As the mashed sweet potato is sticky, I started by mixing half liquid mixture into the mashed sweet potatoes.
Then half liquid into the flour mixture.
Combine both ingredients to form a purple paste.

Step 7 - Incorporate both batter.
Fold in 1/3 of meringue into the egg yok mixture.
After incorporate, pour the mixtre back to the balance egg white mixture.
Fold in both mixture until fully incorporate.
Lastly add in floured cubed sweet potatoes.
Gently fold in the batter. Do not over mix.

Step 8 - placed in the baking tin for baking.
Baked at 160 degrees celsius for 50 mins.
Another 20 mins at 180 degrees celsius.
I believed the sweet potatoes will sink when tempreture is too high. 

Remember to turn the tin upside down while cooling the cake.Only when the cake is fully cooled, then we can proceed to cut it.

For my 10 inches chiffon pan, my yield is only half the size.
I guessed I can use 2 recipes to make a big chiffon cake for 10 inches pan.

Enjoy !!!


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