Sauce for Sushi Mix


Sauce for Sushi Mix
I got this recipe from You tube blogger, Kimono Mum.
She used it for preparing Chirashi Sushi. I tried and it taste good.
Say good bye to Sushi Mix from NTUC.
The colour of the sauce depends on what vinegar and sugar you used.
I used brown sugar and vinegar from Daiso. Thus I guess my sauce turned out to be this brown.

Here are the ingredients used.
1 Teaspoon Salt
4 Tablespoon Sugar
5 Tablespoon Vinegar
This is for mixing 3 cups of cooked rice.

What I did was just follow her recipe and used only part of the sauce for my 2 cups of rice. I keep the balance in the refrigerator for future use when I decided to make sushi again.

Check out my Chirashi Sushi made from Ingredients from whatever ingredients I have at home. I used the Kimono Mum's recipe as a guide only. We can use our own ingredients and our own imagination to create our own. 
My Chirashi Sushi rice based mixed with vegetables made up of Sushi Sauce and Braised Vegetables


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