Muffin - Sesame

Self Raising Flour - 2.5 cups
Black Sesame Powder - 0.5 cups
Brown Sugar -  2 cups (Use less if using white sugar)
Eggs - 3 (I used 55 to 60 grams eggs)
Soya Milk - 1 1/8 or 1.125 cup 
Vegetable Oil - 3/4 or 0.75 cup
Fried sesame seeds (Black and white) - this will gives the burst of flavor for sesame product.

1. Combine eggs with brown sugar. Beat until eggs are well mixed.
2. Add soya milk and vegetable oil. Stir.
3. Sieve self raising flour and black sesame powder. 
4. Fold in the mixed flour.
5. Sesame powder may give the batter a dry and heavy texture. If too dry, add more soya milk. The end product will be heavy but not too dry.
6. Do not over mix.
7. Scoop them into muffin cups. Can make 20 to 24 small muffins at 45 to 48grams before baking.
8. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of fried sesame seeds into each cup. Use a toothpick to run 1 stir so that the sesame seeds will be incorporated into the batter. 
9. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 mins. 200 degrees Celsius for another 5 mins (To brown the top)

Options that I have tried out and turned out nice too. You may do it within one bake. So you will end up with 3 types of muffins in one bake.

With the muffins batter in the cup from step 9.
10. Add some dried cranberries. (Do flour the dried cranberries before adding to the batter so that it will not sink after baking.)
11. Add cut banana and walnut for another flavor. 

This recipe was created by playing with my basic muffins recipe that I created during my younger baking days. Though there are plenty of sesame muffin recipes available via YouTube, the flavor tends to taste funny. I guessed it may be due to baking soda used? 

I bought this black sesame powder out of curiosity how it taste like. 

I used this soya milk and it blended well with sesame.

Fried black and white sesame seeds.
I usually fry them together cause it is difficult to check if the black sesame seeds is burnt.
So long as the white ones turned brown and we can smell the aroma of the seeds, they are ready.
Usually I placed them in a airtight container and keep them in the refrigerator. Very handy to use them when we need them. 
We can buy the ready to eat ones too.


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